Saturday was the much anticipated craft fair. It wasn't what I would call a
smashing success. But I'm still glad I did it. Really really glad I did it.
Dave made my booth and a little matching table from a bunch of old pallets he got FOR FREE. I got so many compliments on this thing. It was definitely the most unique booth. I was proud of it. He disassembled and reassembled the booth on Saturday morning before the fair. Earbuds in place, obviously.

And I snapped this picture below while thinking of my oldest little sister, whom we call Bean. She says that I'm all rainbows and unicorns and buttons, or maybe it's glitter and sprinkles and butterflies... something like that. I've obviously shielded her well from my dark side. Actually I told her something about myself once that is kind of weird that I don't tell a lot of people, (don't worry - it's not a juicy detail. Just something semi-private) and I asked her if that freaked her out and she said, "Nope. It just makes you more sparkly." For some reason I took that as a giant compliment, even if it wasn't meant to be one, and I teared up and I wanted to hug her - but she was all the way in Missouri. So, to make a short story unnecessarily long, when a butterfly landed on my table full of cutesy crafts, I thought she would appreciate it. Also, I miss her. BEAN, I MISS YOU.

This was Saturday around 12:30.

Things got a little wet for a bit. But luckily, my artwork can hold its own against the elements and nothing was ruined. The sun came back out with a vengeance and dried up my little booth nicely and promptly fried the dickens out of me. Notice the giant white pole to the right of the booth. That was to be my shade. It didn't work. Maybe you noticed.
1 comment:
It was an AWESOME day. I'm so glad I got to share it with you just a little bit! Love you and are SO SO SO SO proud of you.
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