If you're here for Pin it Forward, welcome welcome! Pull up a seat and stay awhile! My name is steph. I'm just learning to call myself an artist and this little blog is where I pretend to also be a writer.
If you're a regular here and you have no idea what Pin it Forward is, let me do a quick explanation. Bloggers like to be friends with other bloggers, and this a way we can do that. Victoria of sfgirlbybay and some kind folks from Pinterest got together and decided that a bunch of bloggers should create a chain that gives a little glimpse into what home means for a big bunch of bloggers. One person passes the pinning torch to the next, and there it goes, on down the line. It's pretty cool. Now it's my turn to talk about what home means to me.
Home is very much a figurative thing for me; in fact, home has to mean something a little different. And I don't mind that one bit. This crazy thing happened to my family when I was in the 7th grade which sort of forced us out of our home with little notice. I affectionately call it "the homeless year, " a title my parents are not so affectionate towards I'm sure. But when my brother and two younger sisters and I sit around and talk about the memories we have from that time, it's all happiness and hilarity from cabin balconies. We had plenty of places to stay: grandma's farm, the aforementioned cabin by the lake, a couple of houses that friends were trying to sell, and so on. It was more of an adventure than a misfortune. So the idea of home means lots of things to me besides houses.
Thanks to Nicole from Three by Sea for passing the torch to me, and tomorrow, go visit the really pretty Mae Photo + Design blog for her idea of home.
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