My super cute friend, Angie, is about to have a baby girl. Angie's got awesome style, so of course when she had a baby shower recently, it had to have awesome style to match. A couple of girls threw the. cutest. baby shower. ever. Here are a few pictures from the party.

Madeline Rose is what they're going to name the cutey when she gets here. Isn't that name perfect? And isn't that banner perfect?

The girls who decorated for the shower had a paper doll "theme" and it was adorable! Little vintage paper dolls all over the house.

One of the things we did at the party was decorate onesies. They were all so cute. I think I found my life's true calling. Do you think onesie doodling could be a professional career? I sure hope so.
Being in my mid-twenties and not having something to fill decorated onesies with is hard sometimes... ok. all the time. All the time it's hard to not have a sweet cooing baby all bundled up in my arms. But don't tell that to my friends that DO have babies, because they won't believe you. They're all like "diapers and crying and disobediance and no sleep and..." something else I can't remember....
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