I'm already looking forward to Christmas next year.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Christmas 2010
I'm already looking forward to Christmas next year.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Despite my current diet and the fact that I've been taking medicine every day for three months, my insulin levels actually went up. Not cool, body. Not cool. I felt like I had been doing a great job; I was proud of the work I had accomplished. I know all that hard work wasn't useless, but for a few hours yesterday, that's what it felt like. Like I had wasted the past few months of eating well and being more active... because if my insulin was going to go up anyway, why couldn't I have eaten more Doritos?
So, I'm upping my healthy eating to an 11 and promoting Dave to my exercise enforcer. I should call him The Exercist, not to be confused with the Exorcist, of course. I should paint that on a t-shirt for him! The Exercist is a rough job because I will probably pout and throw things at him and require him to exercise with me each day. But hey, for better or for worse, right?
And if Dave's going to be called The Exercist, I suppose 2011 should be called The Year of I'd-Like-To-Keep-All-My-Limbs-And-Not-Get-Anything-Amputated-Because-I-Got-Diabetes.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Details are Scary
I've got the general overview of the organization planned out in my head. I know how it will work, what it's named, what our logo will look like, things we can accomplish, ways we can help the world be a better place. You know, all the really important things. But do you know what doesn't make sense? When I'll have time to accomplish these goals, how many people will be willing to work with me (the organization uses a lot of people working together), how much money it will take to get the first little ball rolling, when to talk about my idea, how to promote it, etcetera infinity.
I know nothing about starting or running a business, for starters. I have little money to invest in the front end, only a handful of people who are working with me (as of now), and ideas galore. How does one make sense of these things? Where does it go from here? Any tips for a lady who's equally passionate and clueless?
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
The Bean

Thursday, December 23, 2010
On Holiday

Tuesday, December 21, 2010
They're Almost Here!
Not that I'm looking forward to it or anything.
Most of the gifts are bought and wrapped, cookies and other goodies have been made, the house is clean (thanks to a sweet friend), the stockings are hung by the chimney with care, etc. I think we're about ready to get things under way.
If you don't see much of me in the next week, you know why.
Christmas Music: The Flip Side
One I noticed for the first time this year to ease you into things are the lyrics to "You're a Mean One" from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. These lyrics are all kinds of crazy, but that's on purpose, so I'd never really thought about it. But let's DO think about it. The song is full of lyrical gems such as, "You nauseate me, Mr. Grinch. With a nauseous super naus," which I just love. Super naus should be my new thing. Like, "whoa. This ham sandwich is super naus territory" or, "holy smokes, Dave. That terrible driving just made me super naus." And even better than super naus, in my opinion, is this line: "You're a crooked jerky jockey, and you drive a crooked hoss." I said something on twitter yesterday with that line like... I don't even know what that means. And my big brother replied with, "My guess: You're a mean little guy, and your horse is mean, too. That's a mean thing to say about someone's horse." That cracked me right up. Big brother = hilarious.
Secondly, and a little more serious, is the song "Christmas Shoes." This is quite the controversy. Some people love this song. Me? I'm not so into singing about the saddest possible Christmas ever. If you've not heard the song, I will save you the trouble. The lyrics to the chorus are, "Sir, I want to buy these shoes for my Mama, please. It's Christmas Eve and these shoes are just her size. Could you hurry, sir, Daddy says there's not much time. You see she's been sick for quite a while, and I know these shoes would make her smile, and I want her to look beautiful if Mama meets Jesus tonight."
What in the world?! Doesn't that just punch your Christmas spirit right in the face? Sheesh. I would for sure rather sing about super naus than about a dying mother and her poor pathetic son, who the song describes as "dirty from head to toe." No thanks.
And another song that's bad on purpose (I hope) is "Santa Baby." This song is the materialistic generation's theme song. It's probably parody, but still I don't think we need to be singing about all the ridiculous things we'd like for Christmas since, you know, that's what we're all thinking anyway. Those are the kind of thoughts we leave inside our head and don't put to music. And this isn't necessarily something I want the kids these days to get from a Christmas song: "Think of all the fun I've missed. Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed." Really? Is that how it works?
Lastly, some of you know my feelings toward the song "Baby It's Cold Outside." I think it's a fun song. It's catchy and quirky and it's a male/female duet which is a definite plus in my book. But shall we take a closer look at the lyrics?
First, we've got a protest (in the female's part) where she says she'd like to leave and the male vocalist is trying to make her stay at his house. She says, "Say, what's in this drink?" Friends, I'm not sure if roofies were invented before 1944 when this song was written, but heaven's sake that sounds like date rape drugs to me.
And later in the song the female sings, "I simply must go. The answer is no." Have we not all heard the phrase, "no means no" yet? As far as I can tell, that stands up in a court, and I think Mr. Male Vocal Lead is about to spend some time in jail when the snow clears and they can leave the house again.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Christmas Music

Friday, December 17, 2010
I Don't Even Know Anymore
The super good news is that Christmas is almost here and my next 10 days are JAMMED full of festivities and wonder. The bad news is my brain has ceased to work. I start to tell stories and realize halfway through that they've got no purpose. Someone answers the question that I ask them and I say, "what?" Because I've forgotten that I asked a question in the first place.... just 2 seconds prior. I carry things from one room to the other for no apparent reason and have to walk them back to where they came because why on earth am I holding this spatula in the living room? Is there a reason for this? I guess I'll put it back in the kitchen. And then two days later I realize that there's a spider web hanging from the ceiling that I can't reach and I think, "what could I use to reach this web? Maybe something with a long handle that's flat on one side and could also flip over a fried egg..."
It's just a little ridiculous, you know?
So, that's my December in a nutshell. What about you? Do you have crazy Christmas brain yet?
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Loose Ends
Also, I posted a giveaway about 15 years ago for a little watercolor, and then things got "cray cray" as the kids these days say, and I never posted the winner. Who was (drumroll) my very sweet Missouri friend, Erin. First, I should tell you that I love Erin and her whole family. They're super awesome and secondly, I keep trying to convince them to move to my neighborhood here in Tennessee. Do you know what's better than a Missouri friend? A Tennessee friend; that's what. So Erin, go ahead and tell me what picture you want turned into a watercolor, and I'll hang it up down the street in the house for rent. You can see it when you move in.
And also this: please don't misread my post yesterday and think that holidays are all about me sitting weeping somewhere hoping Christmas is over. I still much prefer holidays to normal days and if I have a day or two that are sad days, it's all ok. I'm still high up above the depression hole and haven't fallen in in quite some time. A couple of bad days isn't going to change that, thank you very much. That's all God's fault. He has seriously kept me from a dark place I almost expected to be after this much trying without getting pregnant. Sometimes it's sad, but mostly I'm fine. Really. I'd tell you if I weren't.
Tadaaaa!!! Wrapped up all my loose ends in just three paragraphs. I think... is something missing?
Monday, December 13, 2010
The Hard Part
Thursday, December 9, 2010
A Christmas Miracle

So I pulled into the gas station and called my husband, because that's what you do at 7am when your car doesn't work. He told me to get some windshield wiper fluid/deicer. So I did. And, believe it or not, I had never put any type of fluid other than gasoline in my car. Never ever. But I did it! I opened the hood and found the blue cap and dumped in almost an entire 5 gallon jug of the stuff. Also, I had probably called Dave 3 times at that point. Nevertheless, I hopped back in the car and turned on the windshield wiper spray guy, or whatever they are actually called. Aaaaand, it didn't work. Nothing. Not even the teensiest squirt. So maybe I called Dave again. And he suggested I pour a small amount of fluid on the sprayers to unfreeze them. And I did that, and THAT didn't work. Of course.
So I sat back down in my car, rolled the windows down again, and tried to maneuver into a parking space in the corner. I tried again to spray. And I waited. And I tried again. And I called my office to tell them I'd be late. And I started crying, and I tried again. And I googled Pep Boys to see what their work hours would be and I called Dave and I started crying more. Maybe uncontrollably. And I told him I was taking it in to get fixed and I didn't care how much it would cost and that the world was coming to an end and I was trapped at the gas station and I would die of hypothermia and I loved him and our life was really special and fun while it lasted and I was sorry about that one time I slammed the door. Maybe not all of that. More of it than you'd think, actually.
And while I was crying and imagining the end of my life trapped inside the icy car, the sprayers started spraying. I was almost embarrassed to tell Dave they were working because maybe I had overreacted before, and that's never fun to admit.
And I drove to work spraying my deicer basically non-stop because every time I stopped spraying, the windshield iced over again. And as soon as I pulled on to the interstate, where people drive 70 miles per hour, I ran out of fluid.
A whole 5 gallons. Gone.
So it iced over everywhere except a small little circle right in the middle. MIRACLE OF ALL MIRACLES.
And I drove to work half lying down in the front seat to look through the little circle right in the middle of the windshield. And I wasn't even crying then. You know what I was doing? I was praying for safety and praying that the little visibility circle in the middle didn't close up, and I was writing facebook statuses in my head. Because it's my happy place.
This is what I came up with:
- Nothing like crying in your 16 degree car for half an hour before 8 am to start the day off right.
- I had an actual "Jesus take the wheel" moment today.
- Oh nothing, just wearing leggings, pants, a long-sleeved shirt, a sweater, a heavy coat, slipper socks, thick boots, mittens, my hood, and still freezing to death because I'm sticking my head out of the window into the SIXTEEN DEGREE AIR while I drive because my window is iced over.
- If I were the type of woman who used cuss words, I would have said them all and invented several new ones this morning.
And then I got to work and grabbed some hot tea and borrowed a space heater and defrosted myself. And made plans to get my heater fixed.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
On Becoming a Hermit
Monday, December 6, 2010
The Perfect Tree
Anyway... Saturday night Dave and I braved the cold to go on a hunt for the perfect Christmas tree. Or so I thought. In my mind it was snowing and my hair was curled and my nose was pink and Dave was driving a mini-van so he could tie The Perfect Tree to the top of the van and we wandered through the tree lot with the lights above us and children somewhere were singing Christmas carols.
In real life we drove to the fenced area at Lowe's, realized they only had short trees left, Dave asked the guy which one was best, and that was it. But then the guy working there mentioned that someone had a tree held and never came to pick it up and we could have it if we wanted it.
It was the only tree above 6 or 7 feet they had left and JACKPOT, it ended up being The Perfect Tree. So so perfect. It's just the right amount of tall and just the right amount of wide. So even though the hunt for the tree wasn't exactly what I had pictured, it all worked out. Christmas miracle.
Here's my beauty. Isn't she lovely? I want to keep her there all year. Though, we'd probably need to get a vacuum...
Thursday, December 2, 2010

That little cardinal might be my favorite. Oh 22, you charming square, you.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Gifts Galore
First off, the music lover. Bonus points if your music lover is also a DIY enthusiast. This is a create your own music box kit. Isn't that fun? I think so.