Do you know what I'd really like for my blogiversary? I'd like you to leave a comment telling me how cool you are. I mean, I already know how cool you are, but if you type it in the comments section, everyone else can see it too. Example: "My name is Steph - I'm cool because I used to hate salad and I taught myself how to love it." Or "Hi, my name is Dave - I'm cool because I'm married to a lady who taught herself how to love salad." See what I did there? But really, its so easy and it would SERIOUSLY make my day. Please note: Google Analytics tells me how many people look at my blog. And where they're from. (twilight zone music inserted here)
And lastly, as a super-awesome-one-of-a-kind-blogiversary-bonus (I'm really not enjoying the word blogiversary at this point) I'm going to give a CUSTOM PAINTING (like the one below) away to a random commenter! So, why are you cool? Get crackin'!

Hi-my name is Sandi and I'm way, way cool. I'm cool cause I birthed a wonderful son, DAVE, who is too cool for words, and is married to the ultra cool STEPHANIE who has more talent in her little toe than I have in my whole body!
Hi, my name is Erin, and I'm cool because (among other things) I color coordinate the clothes in my closet just like Steph ;)
I'm Kelli, and I'm cool because I like to knead bread, start projects and not finish them until weeks or months later, read really random books like Napoleon's Buttons, and claim to love organization but leave my desk looking like a cyclone hit it.
Gimme that painting! That would make a wonderful tattoo! ;)
Hi, my name is Evelyn, and I'm cool because orange. Also, turtle shoe. (I love your painting! And your blog, even if I did just discover it a couple of weeks ago. I feel a craft night is in our future...)
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