Leaving Haiti was difficult. I think if you've been reading along the past week, you'll understand why. The last two days were spent packing, visiting a local tourist area called the Baptist Mission, and saying our goodbyes. I got to go down to the Cretch and visit the children again and spend some time reflecting and getting closer with the whole team.

I am missing the bright colors everywhere, the kids and the people we met, I am missing being surrounded in the joy that the people of Haiti have, the smiles that break through the language barrier, and the purpose I felt while we were there.

I just want to say thank you so much to all of you who helped us go with financial support, prayer, encouragement, and good wishes. We appreciate each of you more than we can express fully. Thank you for being a part of something that changed our lives and the lives of others. We couldn't have had this experience without you. Thanks, thanks, thanks. Mesi, Mwen renmen ou.
You did such a great job of describing your trip and the emotions it brought, that I feel like I am packing my bag to leave the journey, too! SO glad you got to have this experience!
It makes me cry to think of all the kids who need love. I'm so glad you got to be hands and feet (well, hands and boot...:) to those children.
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