Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Window

The little boxes have words or phrases that sound pretty or are somehow inspirational to me. You can't really tell that by the photos.

I actually had so much fun with this flea market project that I have decided to try and (yikes) sell some of my artwork. Free time is abundant when you only have one vehicle and a husband who works 60+ hours a week. And since that same husband only gets paid for 20 of those hours, this wife has decided to make a little money on the side. I'm not sure if any of these things will sell or not...but I may as well try it out. The supplies are cheap and art is therapeutic.
I've never been great at the whole self-confidence vs. humility thing, which unfortunately means I generally have no faith in myself. Putting myself out into the world is a bit... well, terrifying, but for the very first time I'm willing to give it a shot. I'll be revamping my etsy.com site to accomodate this new notion of mine, and after a trip to the flea market later this month I hope to have several windows for sale. And you never know, I may even feel the urge to post some other artsy things as well. We'll see where the inspiration wind blows me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE my quilt!!!!

I LOVE my daughter!!!!