1. Cutie file folder boxes. I'd stick with brown, I think. 2. Elegant file folders. Because if you can have a pretty folder over a plain folder, why on earth would you pick plain? 3. Retro pens because they match. 4. Jadeite Desk Set because it's one of the colors I'm obsessing over now. and 5. The camera pencil sharpener because ARE YOU KIDDING ME with that cuteness? And the fact that Dave and I have started inadvertently collecting vintage cameras... and my current pencil sharpener is broken. If that wasn't sold out, I would have actually purchased it maybe.
But since my shopping is imaginary anyway, I'm going to go ahead and put this on the list.
4. Straw Heart Project love. I know, I know, I said that a couple days ago. But it's STILL one of my favorite things. I've had several people offer to help on projects in the past couple days and that is huge! Without volunteers, this won't really work. So if you're thinking of volunteering to help with a project, let me know. I promise I won't make you do something you really don't want to do, like the "turn to your neighbor and tell them you're thankful they're here" part of church on Sunday that no one enjoys but we keep doing it anyway.
5. This Food Passport by the cool ladies over at Spotted Fox. It's a little bit of an issue with me and my friends that we eat at the same 5 places over and over and over. When my parents come to town, I generally convince them to eat places, "because I really like it, but the HBC doesn't really so we never get to go there." (HBC is what we call our neighborhood... we realized a few months ago that we all think "C" stands for something else. I think it's crew. Some say community. Whatever. To each his own, I suppose. We eat most meals together. Like... several a week.) So, I suggested to the matriarchs of the HBC that we make a food passport to encourage us to branch out.
7. Super amazing handmade watches that I posted about over on SimplyTooMuch. Go check them out. They will floor you.
What are some of YOUR favorite things lately?